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Talking with teens about sex & relationships (before college!)

with Anya Manes

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What you will learn during this interview…

In surveys, 70% of teens say that what would help them most in making good decisions around sex and relationships is better communication with their parents. This is increasingly important as teens prepare to leave for college, where fears about “hookup” culture and “date rape” are increasingly common. Anya Manes helps parents have open and honest conversations about sex and relationships with their teens, and become their child’s greatest ally and resource in establishing healthy boundaries, clear communication and safety in their intimate relationships. Join us to discover…

  • The conversations you NEED to be having with your teen about sex and relationships before they leave for college
  • ​How parents can minimize the risks for their teens by helping them learn how to know and respect boundaries…both their own and others’
  • Tips on how to initiate these conversations and make them as comfortable as possible for you and your teen (even if this is the last thing they want to talk about with you!)

About Your Speaker

Interview | Anya Manes

Anya Manes

Anya Manes, a long time educator for parents and kids, leads workshops and coaches parents on having open and honest conversations about sex and relationships. Anya grew up in the Bay Area, attended Columbia University, and spent 11 years teaching high-school classes where her biology curriculum included a unit about the human reproductive system. Over the years, Anya came to understand where the gaps in her students’ knowledge were and what kinds of relationship skills they were lacking. Unfortunately, science class didn’t afford the time to work on boundary-setting skills, how to think critically about media messages, or how to have a safe sex talk with your partner.

After listening to her family’s stories about how awful and inadequate their sex education experiences had been, Anya decided to launch her own support service to help families teach their kids the skills they need to have safe and healthy sexual relationships, from the start. She now works with one-on-one coaching clients, and runs trainings, workshops, and webinars through her website.

Get Anya’s Complete Talking to Teens About Sex Webinar Training Class