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Taming the Tiger of Test Anxiety: Improving performance on high stakes tests

with Dr. Jed Applerouth

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What you will learn during this interview…

Anxiety hits us all at some point in our lives. Unfortunately for many aspiring college students, high-stakes tests like the SAT often bring anxiety levels to new heights…and test performance to new lows. But there is hope! There are interventions that effectively reduce test anxiety and lead to significant performance gains. Whether your teen has severe test anxiety or just a few butterflies the night before, learning effective strategies for managing their stress level on test day can help maximize their performance on what is the single most important test in many students’ lives. Join us for this interview with Dr. Jed Applerouth, educational innovator and founder of Applerouth Tutoring, to learn…

  • Exactly what’s happening in the mind of an anxious student, and how this impacts their performance on high-stakes tests
  • Which interventions have the biggest positive impact on students’ level of test anxiety
  • How changing the process your teen uses to prepare for the test can reduce their stress level – and increase their scores – on test day

About Your Speaker

Interview | Jed Applerouth

Dr. Jed Applerouth

Dr. Jed Applerouth is a teacher and an educational innovator, and the founder of Applerouth Tutoring, an SAT and ACT prep company with hundreds of tutors who work with students nationwide. In addition to staying abreast of current research to enhance the pedagogical strategies of Applerouth, Jed gives presentations throughout the country on topics ranging from Gender in College Admissions to Helping Students with LDs Become Super Testers.

No stranger to assessments, Jed scored a perfect 2400 on the old SAT and a super-scored 36 on the ACT. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Penn’s Wharton Business School, and went on to receive a Master’s in Counseling and Doctorate in Educational Psychology. When he’s not speaking to parents, teachers, and counselors about education and admissions testing, Jed is a counselor, painter, and globe-trotting photographer.