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Fueling teens’ brains & bodies for maximum performance in school & sports

with Jill Castle

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What you will learn during this interview…

Raising healthy kids is one of the hardest jobs of parenthood. From concerns about junk food, and eating disorders to food allergies and sports nutrition, navigating the ins and outs of helping kids and teens develop healthy nutritional habits is quite a challenge. But it’s critically important, because what teens eat has an impact on every area of life…from their performance in the classroom and the playing field, to their mood when they get home and their ability to get a good night’s sleep.  For teens, the nutrition habits they’re developing now will also set the stage for their eating patterns in college and adulthood. Join us for this interview with Jill Castle, one of the nation’s premier childhood nutrition experts, to learn…

  • The most common mistakes and misunderstandings about teen nutrition…and the truth about what teens should really be eating
  • How to encourage your teen to make healthier choices, without creating an overly restrictive mindset about food
  • Hidden signs to watch out for that suggest your teen could be struggling with an eating disorder
  • Healthy habits teens can establish now that will help them avoid the “freshman 15” during their transition to college

About Your Speaker

Interview | Jill Castle

Jill Castle

Jill Castle is one of the nation’s premier childhood nutrition experts. Known as a paradigm shifter who blends current research, practical application and common sense, Jill inspires audiences to think differently about feeding kids. From babies to teens, Jill takes a unique, “whole-child” approach to showcase food, feeding and childhood development as the secret ingredients to raising a healthy child.

A sought-after speaker, advisor, and media contributor, Jill is a TEDx speaker, is on the Board of Advisors of Parents Magazine, and is scientific advisor to a handful of privately held child nutrition companies. She is the author of Eat Like a Champion and co-author of Fearless Feeding. She pens The Nourished Child blog, interviews experts on her podcast, and regularly contributes to US News & World Report’s For Parents blog. She has appeared in The New York Times, WebMD, Fast Company, USA Today, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, NBC-CT, and Parents Magazine.

Get 85 Healthy Snack Ideas for Teens