Four Essential Steps to Creating an Outstanding College Essay and Application
with Ethan Sawyer
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The College Essay Guy’s Complete Guide to
the “Why Us” Essay
Learn the most common mistakes students make when writing the “why do you want to attend our college?” essay nearly all top schools require you to write. Discover exactly what you should do to make your essay one of the few that stands out…including tips on how to find all the resources you need to learn about a particular school, plus six actual examples of outstanding “Why us” essays
Four Essential Steps to Creating an Outstanding College Essay and Application
For many students, writing a college essay is the most stress-inducing part of the entire application process. And no wonder…it’s probably the most important 650 words they will ever write in their life. It’s also an incredibly daunting task: They’re somehow expected to tell the story of their life in one essay, and sound like a brilliant, insightful student any college would want to admit…without bragging about themselves. (No pressure!) Ethan Sawyer, also known as the “College Essay Guy”, is a nationally recognized college essay expert and sought-after speaker who helps thousands of students and counselors each year to create powerful college essays through his online courses, workshops, articles, products, and books. Join us for this insight-packed interview to discover…
- What are colleges are really looking for in the college essay (Hint: a lot of students get this wrong!)
- Three essential differences between regular and standout college essays
- How to get started with your college essay…even if you have NO idea what to write about
- The 4 types of personal statements, and 2 simple questions that will reveal which one YOU should be writing
- Strategies for approaching the supplemental essays, and why these deserve more attention than many students give them
About Your Speaker

Ethan Sawyer
Ethan Sawyer is a nationally recognized college essay expert and sought-after speaker. Each year he helps thousands of students and counselors through his online courses, workshops, articles, products, and books, and works privately with a small number of students. Raised in Spain, Ecuador, and Colombia, Ethan has studied at seventeen different schools and has worked as a teacher, curriculum writer, voice actor, motivational speaker, community organizer, and truck driver. He is a certified Myers-Briggs® specialist, and his type (ENFJ) will tell you that he will show up on time, that he’ll be excited to meet you, and that, more than anything, he is committed to—and an expert in—helping you realize your potential. A graduate of Northwestern University, Ethan holds an MFA from UC Irvine and two counseling certificates. He lives in Los Angeles with his beautiful wife, Veronica, and their amazing daughter, Zola.
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