How to MAXIMIZE the amount of financial aid you receive…even if you think “families like us never qualify for anything!”
with Andy Lockwood
The replay period for this interview is over, but you can still access the recording through the Success Package, here.

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How to MAXIMIZE the amount of financial aid you receive…even if you think “families like us never qualify for anything!”
Working on a plan to pay for college and realizing…you’re stuck in an awkward middle? That your family isn’t so in need that your teen is going to get a free ride, but you’re also not so wealthy that you’re going to just pay for college and not even notice? Many families have this belief that they make too much to qualify for any need-based aid, and it puts tremendous stress on parents. But, this isn’t necessarily the case. There are ways to maximize the amount of financial aid your kid can get from a college, even if you think your income is too high. Andy Lockwood is a best-selling author on college admissions and financial aid expert, and co-hosts the College Planning Edge podcast with his wife Pearl. Listen to this interview with Andy to learn…
- Some of the biggest myths around college financial aid
- If there’s a ‘magic income number’ for families that would yield the best financial aid reward
- Why teens should be seeking advice outside just their guidance counselors about how to get financial aid, and what schools they “can afford”
- How parents can find out information about which colleges are most likely to give money to their student, depending on their situation
- Why private colleges and universities won’t necessarily cost your family more money than non-private schools
About Your Speaker

Andy Lockwood
Andy Lockwood is an internationally renowned best-selling author, college advisor and financial aid expert. He is the creator of the “P4” college advising system (Plan, Path, Position, Produce), a “backward-planning” approach designed to help students discover their wiring and strengths, reverse engineer a set of colleges offering “wholesale” prices – that help students achieve success, post-college.
Get Andy’s FREE guide, How to “Hide” Your Money from the financial aid office