How to support your kids during the college process (without nagging!)
with Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster
The replay period for this interview is over, but you can still access the recording through the Success Package, here.

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How to support your kids during the college process (without nagging!)
Supporting teens through the college application process is a challenge in the best of circumstances, and becomes even more difficult when they’re also coping with complex challenges like ADHD, learning disabilities, or anxiety. And with college admissions getting more and more competitive each year…how do you stay involved enough to make sure they’re going to be fully prepared, but not be SO involved that your relationship will suffer? Join parent coaches and founders of ImpactADHD, Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster, to discover tips you can use to support your teen through the process (without nagging!) , including…
- What to do if YOU feel more stressed than your TEEN
- Why NAGGING is such a strong temptation for parents
- How to get buy-in from your teen, and set the expectation for regular check-ins and conversations throughout the process
- What to do when you’re starting to lose your cool
- How to know when to step in if your kid just isn’t following through
- Signs you’re crossing the line and helping MORE than you should
About Your Speaker

Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster
Elaine Taylor-Klaus, PCC, CPCC, and Diane Dempster MHSA, PCC, CPC are parents of 6 complex kids between their two families. They established ImpactADHD.com® in 2011 to provide much-needed support for adults whose children and teens struggle with complex challenges such as ADHD, LD, anxiety and more. As parent educators and certified coaches, ImpactADHD®’s services are dedicated to teaching adults how to use skills from coaching to communicate more effectively with complex kids. Now widely recognized as international leaders in the fields of parenting, coaching and ADHD, Elaine and Diane authored the award-winning Parenting ADHD Now: Easy Intervention Strategies to Empower Kids with ADHD, and co-created the highly acclaimed Behavior Management Training program for parents and teachers, SanitySchool.com. Elaine and Diane are passionate about bringing support to parents that is accessible and affordable — because the research is clear that helping parents and teachers reduce the stress of raising complex children improves outcomes for kids. ImpactADHD®’s “coach-approach” to Behavior Management offers training, coaching and support for adults to confidently raise and educate independent & successful kids. Get more information and a free gift at Impactadhd.com/college.
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